Thursday, August 19, 2010

Everyday carry gear (EDC)

OK, we've talked about having your gun with you everywhere you go.  I also realize that carrying a full size fighting gun is difficult, whether it's because of your work environment, the weather, or any other reasons.  There are ways to carry every day, though. 

This is one of my favorite EDC setups.  It's a Smith & Wesson 642 .38 Special double action revolver, wearing a Barami Hip Grip and Tyler T-Grip adapter. No holster needed, goes right into your waistband.  With it is a Bianchi Speed Strip with 5 extra rounds, and a Spyderco Delica folding knife.  If you're legally allowed, there is no reason you can't have this with you damn near 24/7/365.  It isn't hard. 

Goodbye, little buddy...

I had to put down my puppy Zip down 2 days ago.  He came down with parvo, and it just ate him up.  He was only 6 months old, he loved to chase my chickens, wake me up at 4:30am and ride in my truck with his head out the window.